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At the end of the Congress, you will receive your Certificate of Attendance by email including the exact number of CME credits obtained. In order to count your CME credits, your badge will be scanned before the start of each session.

There are two cloakrooms located on the ground floor: one at the entrance of Auditorium 1 and another at the entrance of Auditorium 2.

Please wear your badge at all times within the congress venue. Access to the congress facilities will not be granted without a proper congress badge. If an attendee loses, misplaces or forgets the name badge, a handling fee of 50.00 EUR will be charged for a new congress badge. Upon handing out a new congress badge, the lost badge will become invalid.

The official language of the Congress is English.

The official currency in Spain is the Euro (EUR). All payments related to the 15th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause will be in Euro (EUR).

The single number to call for emergencies in Spain is 112 (without any area code).

Out of respect for authors’ and speakers’ copyrights, it is forbidden to film during any official congress session. In case of negligence, the organisers reserve the right to exclude the participant from the Congress. Official videographers are authorised to film sessions during the Congress.

Found items should be deposited at the Cloakrooms. There are two cloakrooms located on the ground floor: one at the entrance of Auditorium 1 and another at the entrance of Auditorium 2.

The Congress has a Mobile App supporting all iOS and Android devices. It will be available for download in the respective app stores under the name EMAS 2025 a few days before the Congress.

Mobile phones must be set to silent mode in all session rooms at all times.

Press registration is free of charge.
In order to register as a press representative, you are required to be at least 18 years old (as of May 2025). To complete the registration, the Congress organiser requires proof of the journalist’s professional affiliation. All credentials will be verified and approved before the press registration is confirmed. The number of press registrations is limited. EMAS reserves the right to refuse applications.
To register for the Congress as a press representative, please kindly send an email to [email protected].

The congress venue is easily accessible via public transportation. It is 7 minutes from the Airport and 8 minutes from the city centre and the high-speed train station.

Public transportation is not included in the registration fee.

The Registration Area is located on the ground floor of the Palacio de Congresos.

It is forbidden to smoke inside the buildings (including electronic cigarettes). Outside in the garden, smoking is allowed.

Speakers must hand in their presentation in the Speaker Preview Room at least 4 hours prior to their scheduled presentation time.

The Speaker Preview Room is located on the ground floor, between the Auditorium 1 and 2.

Follow information about the Congress on the official EMAS X –

Share your EMAS 2025 experience by using #EMAS2025.X

The 15th European Congress on Menopause and Andropause takes place at the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia.