Facts about the Congress

EMAS is the key international society promoting health in individuals at midlife and beyond

A cutting edge meeting with a unique experience to

  • learn from and speak to international experts
  • connect with colleagues
  • promote your research and ideas
  • experience ground-breaking education
  • progress healthcare and research for midlife and menopause

The congress helps to raise awareness of the following facts and discuss solutions

  • Managing menopausal and post-menopausal health is a key issue for all areas of medicine, not just gynecology. Therefore EMAS Congress provides education for all doctors and healthcare professionals, not just gynecologists.

  • Menopause is an important gender- and age-equality issue, and menopausal health also extends into the workplace.

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women worldwide and underrecognized as occurs 10 years later in women than in men.

  • The need of seeking a global perspective on women’s health and ageing adapting to the new challenges.

  • Menopause treatment needs to be individualised. Each individual has different needs and not all Hormone Replacement therapies are the same.